If you need help doing that in other distribution or extra aid pleaseĪsk in your distribution forums/chat as I will no have the time to The game ends with her being interrogated by the police.In order to run RapeLay almost flawlessly you will need to build a custom version of wine. If Masaya has intercourse with Aoi before completely breaking her, she loses her sanity and stabs Masaya to death with a knife. He dies a few days later when he is thrown in front of a train. Masaya impregnates one of the two girls (Aoi or Manaka) and opts to keep the child instead of persuading them to undergo abortion.

Despite this, he boasts that he'll never change his mind, condemning all three to a life of slavery.

Contemplating it, Masaya says that he'd let them go if she pleasure him. Yuuko attempts to convince Kimura to reconsider, pleading with him to keep her as a slave while her daughters go free. Capturing all three women, he reveals his intention of making them his sex slaves. Forcing Aoi into a vehicle, he and his henchmen takes her to a hotel (which his family ironically owns), and relentlessly rapes her when they receive a room. During the midst of his scheming, he appoints minions/henchmen with detaining the mother.Īoi is confronted the next day by Masaya and is horrified by the photos that he had taken of her semen-covered mother, now realizing that he is the same person she caught and reported to the authorities. Yuuko arrives at the city park, where she is violently raped by the deranged Kimura, who repeats what he had done to her daughter. He stalks Yuuko the next day, and he gropes her whilst she's riding in a train. Satisfied with his work, Kimura takes several pictures of her semen-covered body with his mobile phone, and he demands that she feign sickness the next day, as well as to stay in her room. Following her to the subway station, he sexually assaults her before he traps her in a public bathroom and rapes her. Kimura begins his plan with the youngest daughter, Manaka.

Knowing of Yuuko's status, Kimura sets his revenge scheme into motion. Angered by the events, Masaya secretly eavesdrops on Manaka and Aoi's conversation with their widowed mother Yuuko as they help her find her wallet while talking about the events that transpired. He is released by his father due to the latter's status and placed under his custody. Masaya is apprehended by the authorities after he was caught by Aoi Kiryuu groping a young woman on the subway train. Not much is known about Masaya's early life but he is identified as the son of an influential politician.