You know what would have happened if Bugs had come up against Elmer Fudd before whatever brain injury he suffered? The second he has a shot lined up on Bugs Bunny, he's going to take it.īugs is an anthropomorphic rabbit of middling intelligence who consistently outwits an anthropomorphic duck with delusions of his own grandeur despite being an idiot, a mentally deficient and easily manipulated hunter, a dunderheaded, diminutive cowboy with Napoleon syndrome and a coyote who dreams up numerous overly elaborate scenarios and traps that can be easily escaped by side-step to the right or that fail to take the effects of gravity into account. And of course, Boba Fett is a member of that group.īoba Fett won't give Bugs a chance to put on a girl bunny costume or tell him that it is, in fact, duck season.

Unfortunately, there are a handful of competitors in the human bracket that have few interests other than killing.

If Bugs gets the chance to talk to his enemy, there's a good chance he can get in their heads and make them beat themselves. Then Boba Fett pulls out his laser pistol and just pumps a few rounds through Bug's hide, effectively killing him.īugs Bunny could have been an interesting members of this competition, but he got a very rough draw. In a comically surprising move, Bugs Bunny has seemingly magically teleported right next to Boba Fett. Suddenly, he hears, "Ehhhh, what's up doc?" right in his ear. He looks back through his scope to see that Bugs Bunny is gone. Boba Fett readies the shot, leans back from the scope and takes a deep breath, so his breathing doesn't effect his shot. Finally, Bugs arises from his rabbit hole, munching on a carrot. He finds Bugs Bunny's rabbit hole and waits. Bugs going down:īoba Fett flies up a hill in Acme Forest and uses some advanced camouflaging system to blend into his woodland surroundings. He's also been known to dabble in opera, from time to time. of Delight, and the co-captain of the Toon Squad. He also, and this is probably his greatest advantage.is the starting point guard, standing 3'3" (4' if you include the ears), the Dr. But he's a rabbit under the employ of the good ole' WB, with all the fun and games of ACME at his disposal! He has been known to hold anvils with a single hand, survive explosions, gun shots, and bombs. He's also a pretty decent sniper ( Star Wars: Bounty Hunter for PS2 anybody?), but in this environment that's going to be pretty useless.īugs, admittedly he's just a rabbit. Which for a rabbit, I'd say ~75 years is pretty damn impressive.įett has rockets, a flamethrower, cables, a jet pack and never-ending supply of blaster rounds. Feared as one of the greatest hunters in all the Star Wars universe - despite the fact that he was kind of a bitch in Return of the Jedi - Boba Fett turns his sights on a character who has made a living out of not being caught by hunters his entire life.